Micro animations in web applications are useful to guide users' attention. Web map libraries come with a fixed set of built-in animations, like panning, zooming, and sometimes fading styles. What if we want to do more? Using requestAnimationFrame(), we can create our own, custom animations.
ReadIn the first part, we set up the application, and added animation to the feature we're adding to the map. Now let's dive into controlling the animation's duration.
ReadIn this last part in the series of webmap animations, let's make our animation more pleasing by adding easing. Also, see how it looks in OpenLayers.
ReadFor my last three weeks at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente in May 2012, I worked on an individual final assignment to end my program, Post-Graduate Diploma of Geoinformatics. My supervisors were Dr. Kourosh Khoshelham and Sander Oude Elberink.